
A collection of stories and information about those whose lives were not only cut short, but were killed on stage, in front of an audience. We honor the ones who lived to entertain us, but who never expected their deaths would occur in the spotlight.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Extra Reading: Legends Revealed Blogs

I'm easily distracted, in case my absence from this blog hasn't made that clear. So I'm out in the internet looking for inspiration to write another blog entry, and I come across a series of blogs by Brian Cronin about urban legends and myths. His most extensive is Comic Book Legends Revealed, but he works on other subjects like sports and entertainment. These entries are like popcorn: Once one has popped up, the information just keeps popping and popping, and I have almost spent the entire winter reading through his blogs.

That's how I found his entries on soccer player Goran Tunjic, who was penalized for dropping dead on the field during a play. I also found Cronin's debunking of part of the myth surrounding the death of audience member Meredith Hunter at a Rolling Stones concert. Hunter's death at the hands of Hell's Angels security guards is tragic and real, but like most stories, it gets more dramatic upon each retelling, which causes some misinformation.

Needless to say, these are the types of stories I like to work on for my own blog, so I decided to share them here. Check out these and Cronin's other blogs. It will give you something to do while I motivate myself into another blog entry.

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